Thursday, September 2, 2010

Belizean Randoms

Alright, I thought it would be good to share some of the oddball things I have learned about Belize and Belizeans. Why? Because a lot of it makes me laugh and I thought I'd pass along the smile. And really, after being a here a year, its great to see which of these things no longer surprises me. There is no particular order to these...

Saying “good night” is a greeting here, not a good-bye. It took me a while to adjust to this and now I can't imagine not saying it to someone as I pass them on a walk.

There are two volumes here: Loud & Louder. If you have any concerns about hearing loss, this is not where you need to be...your complaints will simply fall on deaf ears.

Seat belts are non-existent. Put one on and you'll get funny looks. Its a habit I'd rather keep, so I'm dealing with sideways glances.

Regarding cat calls: “Blondie” is a term used collectively to signify a white woman. “Buttercup” is hair color specific (and currently my favorite).

Snack time is vital to daily routine...that's why we have it at least twice a day.

Sugar is a core food group. Likewise, fried food is also an essential part of the Belizean diet and its a well known fact that everything tastes better when its done so in lard.

Cold is 70 degrees. Freezing is 60. Unbearable is either with a strong wind.

Hot is 90 degrees. Gross is 100. Misery is either with no wind (because both come with humidity).

Dog barking is synonymous with rooster of them is guaranteed to be your early morning alarm clock.

Marie Sharps is a food group.

In referring to food: “hot” can also mean strong flavor. I found this out when I thought a friend was telling me that a breath mint was spicy...clearly not the case.

Nex one = another one ; gyal = girl; boi = boy; right now = in a little bit; right now, right now = sooner than later; directly = right now.

Food is served as its ready...if you wait for the whole table to have their food, some one will be having a very cold meal.

You must greet someone as you see them, even if it means interrupting conversation. To ignore a seen person is disrespectful, interruption for this isn't seen as rude.

You must answer your cell phone when it rings, regardless of where you are or what you are doing. It is never considered rude to do so.

Hitching a ride on the back of a truck is a completely acceptable and legitimate method of transportation no matter how many people there are attempting to squeeze in.

If you hear the same 5 songs on repeat for an entire day, count yourself lucky. I mean, it could have been only 3 and the “Gud Maanin Belize” tune. Besides, if you didnt hear it on would you attempt to know all the words from the top of your head when its karaoke night?

You have limited choices for beer and none of them are good. I'd suggest the rum. Its not good either, but at least you can mask that by mixing it with something else.

Independence day isn't celebrated on just one day...there's a whole month of partying in its honor. I'm quite fond of “September Celebrations”.

There is no daily newspaper, so you'll get your latest news via radio – including obituaries – which they play around lunch time with disturbing elevator music as background.

Televised news is graphic and rarely censored for content. It also is only aired during the week...hey, news people need weekend time too.

Hammocks are the best way to spend a lazy afternoon and every house has at least one.

Belize may be the size of the smallest state in the U.S., but many people haven't seen beyond their closest market town.

Dogs are fed table scraps if they're fed at all. The fact that mine gets puppy food means I'm not from Belize, or that I've got a lot of money...since I'm Peace means I'm not from Belize.

Anything can be cured by drinking lime juice. Stomach ache, lime juice. Head ache, lime juice. Broken arm, okay...well for that, you probably need the doctor. Just making sure you're reading.

Medications are free and can be obtained from the nearest hospital or health center. Good medications can be bought at the closest pharmacy store.

Many of the largest cities are named for the district they're locate in and are referred to as such. This is how we can tell if you're local or foreign. Locals tell the conductor of the bus they're going to Belize. Tourists say Belize City. Tourists = San Ignacio, when all locals know that this is called Cayo.

Toledo is a completely different Belizean experience. Prepare to go back in time...before electricity.

Don't drink the water...unless you live in Belmopan. If you live in Belmopan, just watch your chlorine intake.

Rice and beans are acceptable for every meal. Leaving it out on the stove all day is also acceptable. Leaving your sugar out of the fridge...idiot. You now have more ants than you can handle.

Tupperware is more expensive than the entire week's worth of meals that you would use it for.

Soon open was soon open for 9 months and will always be referenced with this title, even though it is now, in fact, open and named Jolina's.

There is a large Taiwanese population in Belize and quite a number of other Asian immigrants. Regardless, any store operated by this population is referred to as a “chini shop” Likewise, all persons from this region are referred to as “chini”. Its not considered offensive.

Belize is proud of its ethnic diversity. That being said, everything is “us”/ “them” and there are distinct lines separating cultures. It is not a “melting pot”.

Hot dogs are one of the most widely consumed food items in Belize. They're served with mayonnaise, ketchup & mustard. Its actually quite delicious.

Seasonall does just that...seasons everything.

There are Belizean prices, white gyal prices, and tourist prices. Please understand that how you dress and speak will place you in one of these groups. Also understand that no matter how well you dress and speak like a local, if you have white skin, you will always have white people prices.

Chauncy = ripping you off. It is important to call people out on this or you'll end up being taken for all you've got.

Belize is a small country. Everyone knows everyone or is related to everyone.

Shush = gossip. It spreads fast in a small country. Watch what you say and to whom you say it.

When buying phone credit, it is best to buy it during the “double up” days, but make sure you use it before it expires...there are no roll over minutes.

The Mennonites make the best and most affordable furniture. They also have a little mecca of modern life in a place called Spanish Lookout.

Dryers are run by gas and are insanely expensive. Therefore, your clothes never have that dryer fresh smell and you are poor. It is best to hang dry your clothes on the outside line via a breeze. Now your clothes will smell like sunshine and you still have money in your wallet.

More Belizeans live in the United States than live in Belize.

There is no rush and no such thing as being late. Within reason. This “reason” is of course, always debatable.

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