Thursday, September 2, 2010

summer recap

It's official...summer's over.  Today was day #2 of students being back in school...and it did go better than day #1.  I started the school year by spilling red kool-aid down the front of my yellow shirt 5min. into my day. classic. Anyway, since the carefree days of summer are gone, I figure I should finally get around to updating you on how I spent my summer vacation...Cliff's Notes version, of course.
  • I went to San Pedro for a weekend to celebrate the end of service for another PCV.  We were a group of 5 women sharing a lovely condo, being ridiculous.  Shopping, lounging by the pool, and staying at the bars until past sunrise made for an excellent adventure weekend.  Then again, maybe it was just that we all got to sleep soundly in air conditioning for the first time in nearly a year?!  Either way, we had a blast!
  • Went to Benque fiesta!  We fearlessly tried the ferris wheel - again, only to be stuck at the top in a torrential downpour of rain. It would have been better to just jump in the river....ah rainy season.  I met up with some friends of Emily's to have a family party/gathering.  She shamelessly sold me down the river to an older man named Nelson in exchange for 3 mangos.  I hope those mangos were delicious gyal!!!!
  • Traveled down to Hopkins with Emily and her parents...Lived the high life like a tourist - drinks @ Hamanasi, dinner @ Chef Robs, pizza lunches on the beach....  oh, and we visited with other traveling volunteers.  Amazing R&R!
  • Helped out with Camp GLOW (girls leading our world) in Camalote Village for a day.  I led 28 girls in yoga and then helped facilitate a session on HIV/AIDS with them later in the afternoon.  So many young minds discovering new things about themselves.  It was a wonderful experience all the way around.
  • Holly, Me & Zander leading the HIV/AIDS session.
    Playing a game with the girls at Camp G.L.O.W.
  • Celebrated my 25th birthday in Belize!  I spent the day at a local restaurant and my little house celebrating with good friends and wine.  Thank you to everyone who sent me cards, letters, and phone calls!  Your thoughts and generosity truely made me feel loved!!
  • Participated in a Yoga Mala to celebrate July birthdays - especially for our fearless yoga instructor, Marla.  As a group, we successfully completed 108 sun salutations and then enjoyed a delicious meal at Monkey Bay retreat. 
all of us yoginis after 108 sun salutations!
  • Got a great email from the Richmonds on their newest member, Theo.  Congratulations!!!!! to all of you - I hope you're first month with 4 little ones has been memorable.
  • Went to another wine tasting in Belize City!!!
  • Spent the entire part of August fighting the weather to do laundry and have the sky stay clear long enough for clothes to dry.  So far: weather 6, Heather 1. 
  • Went to a few workshops with my teachers to prepare for this new school year.  Projects in the works: school garden, school feeding program, painting a world map, penpal -ing with my mom's 2nd graders...among others.
  • Celebrated 1year in country on Tobacco Caye with 11 other wonderful volunteers!!!  It's hard to believe that we've all been here a year already.  Time seems to keep flying, if you want to visit (and I know you do) have a year left friends!

Enjoying drinks before dinner at the bar on Tobacco Caye.
Kumbaya circle.

Alright, I think that pretty much highlights the summer events.  Trafford is still doing strong and the summer heat is nothing to him - so long as he has plenty of coconuts nearby.   I hope you all have a wonderful Labor Day holiday.  And, of course, I cannot forget to mention a very special HAPPY EARLY 5th BIRTHDAY to Miss Annie Richmond. 


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